For the Love of Hormones- Miscarriage, Ovulating, Hormone Imbalance, Get Pregnant, TTC, Low Progesterone

***TOP 2% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST*** Have you been trying to get pregnant, but are disappointed month after month as you wonder why God put a dream to become a mother in your heart? Have you struggled with the pain of miscarriage, only to wonder if you will ever feel like your family is complete? Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there about hormones and fertility, wishing that you understood how your unique body actually worked? Sister- you are so in the right place! This podcast will give you all the answers for the roadmap to healthy conceptions, understanding your body and how to support it naturally, and getting Godly wisdom and encouragement through this journey. Hey, I’m Bekah. A wife, stay-at-home mom, and daughter of God. I have three children here on earth, and three babies in heaven. Even after our third miscarriage, I left my doctor’s appointment wondering if I’d ever get answers or figure out what to do to prevent another one. I searched google like crazy to figure out cycle and hormonal health, just to be left feeling more confused. God finally revealed to us what we were missing in this heartbreaking journey: understanding my cycle and supporting it naturally. I’m praising God for showing me the answers and lifestyle for how to get pregnant and carry that baby to a healthy delivery. With little tweaks, changes, and disciplines, it is SO do-able to implement. And I’m ready to share it with you! If you’re ready to leave the TTC club and be an expert on YOUR hormonal health... Ditch Dr. Google and get legit advise for your getting pregnant... Have a Godly woman walk with you who has been there... This podcast is for you! So sister... For the love of hormones- put the pregnancy test stick down, because it’s time for a come to Jesus and hormones meeting! Start the Fertility Framework Course: Join the Free Community: Visit the Website: Email Us:

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Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Are you trying really hard to be content with your situation and trust God, even though all you want is to be pregnant and carry that baby all the way through birth?
Maybe you have prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and there is still some unrest in your soul and it feels SO HARD to have peace and be patient in the wait.
If that's you, join me today as we dive in to some real Biblical encouragement that the Lord has for you today.
Give this a listen and share with a friend!
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: >>Save 20% when you use code SAVE20NOW
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Join our free online community here: The Hormone Imbalance Quiz: a FREE 10 minute consult:

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

While there ARE a lot of amazing doctors out there, there are unfortunately many doctors who have dismissed or blown off women in their journey to get pregnant.
Some of the stories shared in today's episode may really resonate with you, or, tick you off righteously. Overall, women's healthcare should really be doing women a better service. 
Tune in and hear that if you have been mistreated or underserved in your healthcare, you are not alone. And I am here to guide you on where to get God-centered advise that will get to the root of your struggles.
Give this a listen and share with a friend,
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: >>Save 20% when you use code SAVE20NOW
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Join our free online community here: The Hormone Imbalance Quiz: a FREE 10 minute consult:

Monday Mar 18, 2024

Have you been trying to get pregnant and wondering why it's not happening? Have you questioned if it's your hormones and you're not sure if they are balanced or not?
Maybe you're finally feeling certain that something is off, but you're not sure what to do about it.
Join us today, and this week for the Healthy Conception Series, where I am answering your biggest questions and heart's concerns about finally healthfully carrying a life from the Lord all the way through delivery.
Give this a listen and share with a friend who needs it!
In His Grace, Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: >>Save 20% when you use code SAVE20NOW
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Join our free online community here: The Hormone Imbalance Quiz: a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

Are you tracking your cycle and have been trying to get pregnant for months, maybe even years, and no Big Fat Positive ever shows up? 
Here is what I would say is the MOST important mini habit to do in starting to support your conception health.
Enjoy, be blessed, and share with a friend who needs it!
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: our free online community here: The Hormone Imbalance Quiz: a FREE 10 minute consult:

Monday Mar 11, 2024

Have you ever wondered how an ectopic pregnancy occurs and if there's anything that can be done to prevent it? 
This is a challenging topic, especially for those who have gone through it. But, it is so important that we understand the biology of how these can occur, what to expect when it happens, risk factors for increased chances, and most importantly- is there anything that can be done to avoid this??
Please share this episode with a friend who needs it <3
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course:
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Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Are you still in the trenches of grief from your last miscarriage and desiring a baby, but are so afraid to lose one again?
Sister- this is seriously so hard and I'm bringing a word from the Lord today to encourage you for how to handle this emotionally and spiritually.
Lift your eyes to Him and share this with someone that needs it.
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course:
Join our free online community here:
Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Monday Mar 04, 2024

Has your husband questioned the legitimacy of doing something "natural" in y'all's journey for getting pregnant? Is he concerned it won't work and will be a waste of time?
Join me today as I interview my own sweet husband on his perspective for entering an unconventional path to recovering from our miscarriages in order to finally have a healthy pregnancy.
Enjoy and share with a friend...or, how about your husband!
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course:
Join our free online community here:
Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Have you been in the weeds with trying to figure out why you can't get pregnant? Do you feel unsettled with standard medicine's approaches and are looking for alternatives?
Today, Naturopathic Dr. April Graham provides fascinating information on genetics and its impacts on fertility as well as the amazing technique of fascial manipulation.
Give it a listen to increase your awareness of all the natural ways to support hormones at a root cause.
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course:
Join our free online community here:
Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:
To learn more about the origins of genetic testing visit the Generx website:
Connect with Dr. April Graham virtually:

Monday Feb 26, 2024

Have you been feeling just plain discouraged about getting your health in order to get pregnant, especially as it pertains to your thyroid? Are you feeling lost on what to do and if it will even make a difference?
Tune in to today's episodes for 6 physical things you can start doing differently to support your thyroid health AND gain Biblical encouragement in this seemingly never ending season!
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course:
Join our free online community here:
Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday Feb 22, 2024

Have you recently had a miscarriage and are struggling to find any hope or motivation to move forward? Do these feel like the darkest days of your life, and you know God is with you...but you're unsure if it will ever get better.
If you're looking for hope and what to do in the process of recovering, tune in today and share with a friend who needs it.
In His Grace,
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course:
Join our free online community here:
Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:


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