For the Love of Hormones- Miscarriage, Ovulating, Hormone Imbalance, Get Pregnant, TTC, Low Progesterone

***TOP 2% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST*** Have you been trying to get pregnant, but are disappointed month after month as you wonder why God put a dream to become a mother in your heart? Have you struggled with the pain of miscarriage, only to wonder if you will ever feel like your family is complete? Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there about hormones and fertility, wishing that you understood how your unique body actually worked? Sister- you are so in the right place! This podcast will give you all the answers for the roadmap to healthy conceptions, understanding your body and how to support it naturally, and getting Godly wisdom and encouragement through this journey. Hey, I’m Bekah. A wife, stay-at-home mom, and daughter of God. I have three children here on earth, and three babies in heaven. Even after our third miscarriage, I left my doctor’s appointment wondering if I’d ever get answers or figure out what to do to prevent another one. I searched google like crazy to figure out cycle and hormonal health, just to be left feeling more confused. God finally revealed to us what we were missing in this heartbreaking journey: understanding my cycle and supporting it naturally. I’m praising God for showing me the answers and lifestyle for how to get pregnant and carry that baby to a healthy delivery. With little tweaks, changes, and disciplines, it is SO do-able to implement. And I’m ready to share it with you! If you’re ready to leave the TTC club and be an expert on YOUR hormonal health... Ditch Dr. Google and get legit advise for your getting pregnant... Have a Godly woman walk with you who has been there... This podcast is for you! So sister... For the love of hormones- put the pregnancy test stick down, because it’s time for a come to Jesus and hormones meeting! Start the Fertility Framework Course: Join the Free Community: Visit the Website: Email Us:

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Monday Apr 22, 2024

Are you still nursing your baby/toddler, and want to get pregnant again but it's not happening? The emotions you're carrying with this are hard to deal with- you still want to nourish this baby AND have another one!
Join us today for some Biblical encouragement on breastfeeding and also biological reasons your body may be having a hard time conceiving again.
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In His Grace,Bekah
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Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Has intimacy been strained lately? If you're being honest- at times sex becomes something you do to hopefully get pregnant, and has become less of simply being intimate with your spouse- but you're not sure how to get out of this new, not so great routine.
If you're looking for ideas on how to enjoy and look forward to being intimate with your husband, baby-making or not, you will LOVE today's episode with Guest Dana Che!
Dana Che Williams is a speaker, marriage coach, and host of Rebuilding Us podcast, where she helps people uncomplicate relationships and build deeper connections.
Connect with Dana Che at @mrsdanache on different social media platforms and at her podcast.
Be blessed by today's episode and share with a friend who needs it!
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Monday Apr 15, 2024

Have you been questioning if your progesterone is low? Or maybe you know you have low progesterone, but you're not sure what you can do to help increase it naturally. You're also feeling the emotional strain on your faith in God and waiting on Him when needing happy hormones to get pregnant...and this is a tough combination!
Get some incredible Biblical encouragement and 5 practical ways you can increase your progesterone in today's episode.
Share this with a friend who needs it! In His Grace,Bekah
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
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Thursday Apr 11, 2024

Are you looking for some tactical things you AND your spouse can start doing TODAY to support your conception health? Maybe you're also curious on what to do once you get pregnant to support baby's health...
Inside of today's amazing episode, you'll hear Robin Rhine McDonald, host of Vision Driven Health podcast, share some incredible insights about God's design for our bodies, and how to live in today's world to support His conception design.
Listen all the way through to the end for a special gift from Robin!
In His Grace,Bekah
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
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>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
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Connect with Robin at:

Monday Apr 08, 2024

Have you recently miscarried, and are now struggling to get pregnant? Or you are nervous to get pregnant again post-miscarriage in fear of it happening again?
If you're looking for Biblical encouragement in this dark time, answers for why you miscarried and what you can do about it next- you'll want to tune in to today's episode!
Be encouraged and share with a friend who needs it,Bekah
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Has it ever felt like you've been hunting and searching for answers regarding why getting pregnant isn't happening, and feeling like you've turned over all the rocks?
This is how Kaitlyn felt before I met'll have to find out in the episode! :P 
It was truly a God-ordained moment for us to meet and her to be brought to LIGHT about how her body is working and how she can live and advocate for her health.
Tune in and share with a friend!
In His Grace,Bekah
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Do you have irregular cycles and are having a hard time getting pregnant? Maybe you're wondering why this is happening and what there is to do to help it. Not to mention how these drawn out and whacky cycles can take a toll on our faith, heart, and patience.
Tune in today as I break down the top three reasons for irregular cycles from a Biblical perspective and give practical tips on how to regulate them to support conception health.
Leave a review and share with a friend who needs it!
In His Grace,Bekah
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday Mar 28, 2024

Does God still heal today? Why isn't He answering your prayers for healing and getting pregnant?
If you're at a place of feeling discouraged in this process. please join us today as we interview podcast host and author, Alexandra Yu.
Alexandra Yu is a registered nurse with many years of experience in the clinical research industry. Her passion for holistic health led her to launch the Her Holistic Healing podcast. Alexandra’s mission is to encourage women to seek God’s wisdom first for their health and life so that they can experience true, lasting healing that will allow themto make a greater eternal impact in their homes and communities.
You can purchase Alexandra's book, "Discovering God's Health Wisdom: Exposing 8 Common Myths That Keep You Sick" here:
In His Grace,Bekah
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Monday Mar 25, 2024

Do you think you have ovulated, and are now just waiting and praying for conception to happen? 
This two week wait can feel like an eternity, and it turns out there are actually things you CAN do to support conception and baby having a happy implantation!
Tune in to today's episode to gain encouragement and find out how you can support your prayed for baby.
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: >>Save 20% when you use code SAVE20NOW
Get a sneak peak inside the course:
Join our free online community here: The Hormone Imbalance Quiz: a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

You've bought the ovulation test strips, maybe a fertility tracker like Inito, the basal body temp thermometer, and maybe even a Kegg.
But girl- are you really ovulating?
The truth is- it can be REALLY hard to tell, especially if your cycles are irregular or your hormones are off.
Tune in to today's episode to grow in understanding this- and as always, share with a friend to empower them too in this amazing knowledge! 
In His Grace,Bekah
Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: >>Save 20% when you use code SAVE20NOW
Get a sneak peak inside the course:
Join our free online community here: The Hormone Imbalance Quiz: a FREE 10 minute consult:


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