For the Love of Hormones- Miscarriage, Ovulating, Hormone Imbalance, Get Pregnant, TTC, Low Progesterone

***TOP 2% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST*** Have you been trying to get pregnant, but are disappointed month after month as you wonder why God put a dream to become a mother in your heart? Have you struggled with the pain of miscarriage, only to wonder if you will ever feel like your family is complete? Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there about hormones and fertility, wishing that you understood how your unique body actually worked? Sister- you are so in the right place! This podcast will give you all the answers for the roadmap to healthy conceptions, understanding your body and how to support it naturally, and getting Godly wisdom and encouragement through this journey. Hey, I’m Bekah. A wife, stay-at-home mom, and daughter of God. I have three children here on earth, and three babies in heaven. Even after our third miscarriage, I left my doctor’s appointment wondering if I’d ever get answers or figure out what to do to prevent another one. I searched google like crazy to figure out cycle and hormonal health, just to be left feeling more confused. God finally revealed to us what we were missing in this heartbreaking journey: understanding my cycle and supporting it naturally. I’m praising God for showing me the answers and lifestyle for how to get pregnant and carry that baby to a healthy delivery. With little tweaks, changes, and disciplines, it is SO do-able to implement. And I’m ready to share it with you! If you’re ready to leave the TTC club and be an expert on YOUR hormonal health... Ditch Dr. Google and get legit advise for your getting pregnant... Have a Godly woman walk with you who has been there... This podcast is for you! So sister... For the love of hormones- put the pregnancy test stick down, because it’s time for a come to Jesus and hormones meeting! Start the Fertility Framework Course: Join the Free Community: Visit the Website: Email Us:

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3 days ago

Have you been feeling defeated, frustrated, and just done with your fertility struggles? Does seeing yet another pregnant friend or announcement crush you internally? Are you looking for some ray of hope or encouragement to cling onto?
Be blessed by this sneak peak into a live class I taught this week: Strength from Women in The Bible & Their Fertility Journeys. In this class- I delve into: 
- A theological viewpoint for WHY women have so many fertility struggles - One woman in the Bible who DID NOT handle barrenness well- An unexpected woman who was barren for 10 years, yet her character was so incredible after the wait
Please share this episode with a friend and let me know your feedback in a review!
In His Grace,Bekah

6 days ago

Have you had the lingering question in the back of your mind: "Does what I do before I get pregnant impact my future baby?" 
Tune in to today's episode to get my take on this- physically and spiritually, so you can be encouraged and have some real time with God about the health of your heart and body for that future babe!
In His Grace,Bekah
>>Sign up for the Strength from Women in the Bible Class (Tuesday, June 18th - 6:45pm MST): 
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday Jun 13, 2024

For today's episode, we're getting real cozy. Like we're going out for coffee, you're telling me about how emotionally and physically hard it's been to try to get pregnant, and I'm giving you the first encouragements to do. 
Tune in today to hear what my first three steps to do are when you've been trying to conceive and it hasn't been happening- along with a strong word of Biblical encouragement!
Tune in and share with a friend who needs it!In His Grace,Bekah
>>Sign up for the Strength from Women in the Bible Class: 
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Get a Sneak Peak into the Course!
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Are you using a fertility app or tracker and wondering if it's actually correct in telling you if you're ovulating? If this is you- you will DEFINITELY want to hear today's episode so that you can REALLY know how trustworthy that device is or not!
Enjoy today's episode and share with a friend- more women need to know about how these apps and devices work!
In His Grace,Bekah
>>Sign up for the Strength from Women in the Bible Class: 
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday May 30, 2024

Are you pretty sure your hormones are out of whack and just want to know the basics for how you can support them to get balanced from home? Is your faith getting strained from the frustration of hormone imbalance?
You will LOVE today's episode as you will get practical, easy to follow steps you can start applying today to support those lovely hormones AND get a Biblical word of encouragement along with it!
To get a deeper dive of Biblical encouragement- sign up for the upcoming class:
Share this episode with a friend!In His Grace,
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday May 23, 2024

I know you are laser focused on GETTING pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy, but I think it's important to be well prepared for your options for when you DO get pregnant!
This topic is super personal to me, given the fact that I've had two hospitalized inductions with OB's, and a natural homebirth with a Christian midwife. 
I think getting yourself educated about your options and what's available to you is pivotal, and that's exactly what Lori Morris is bringing to us today.
Connect with Lori on her podcast: Your Birth, God's Way, and on her social media: FB - @lorimorriscnm. IG - yourbirth_godsway
In His Grace,Bekah
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday May 16, 2024

Have you recently gone through a miscarriage, and are now wondering what you can do to prevent this from happening again? Be encouraged in today's episode with practical tips to support your body and future baby.
In His Grace, 
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Monday May 13, 2024

Are you thinking you may have low progesterone, but aren't super sure if that's the case? Join today's episode where you will learn several signs of this hormonal imbalance, and also get Biblical encouragement to lift you and your progesterone up!  
In His Grace, 
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Thursday May 09, 2024

We are back again with Dr. Jamie to discuss what we love and hate about our hormones! In part two of this episode we discuss the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Progesterone.
We enjoy sharing what we're currently loving and hating about these hormones for ourselves personally and also discuss how these hormones are impacted by those trying to get pregnant.
Come back next Monday to hear more details about the 10K Giveaway!
In His Grace,Bekah
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:

Monday May 06, 2024

Do you have a love-hate relationship with your hormones? The good news is- you are not alone! Join Bekah and Dr. Eller as they share their current loves and hates about their hormones, and how it pertains to those trying to conceive. 
Part one of this episode delves into the hormones FSH and Estrogen. Join us again on Thursday to continue on the conversation with our guest rooster to discuss LH and Progesterone!
Tune in and share with a friend!In His Grace,Bekah
>>Learn more about the Fertility Framework Course: 
>>Join our free online community here:
>>Take The Hormone Imbalance Quiz:
>>Schedule a FREE 10 minute consult:


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